Niños deshuesados
Buenos Dias!!! First off, just wanted to wish Addie a happy birthday this last Thursday!! Love ya!! :) This week has been another amazing, miracle filled week!! It's gotten a bit colder, but all is well! :) First off I want to share the big, amazing miracle we had this week! So last Monday we were walking to our Recent Convert Friend Orlando's house. He's from Peru, and is actually a really good barber! So we were on our way to some nice fresh cuts. There was a guy on a bike coming up behind us, so we stepped out of the way to let him pass. But instead he slows down till he's stopped right next to us and asks, "Are you the Elders?" We said ya we are, not too sure what to expect haha. If someone asks you that question, they're either a member or crazy anti. But he then introduces himself as Abraham. We talk more with him as we're walking, and find out he's a student here from Mexico!! He went to study in San Francisco and that's where he...